Sep 24, 2010

Where has the day gone?

Having the apartment to myself this weekend makes me realize just how fast this entire experience is going. While at first it felt like I had been here months already its just now the end of week four. Lately, I wake up and wonder where the previous day has gone.  My life here in Florence has started to fall into a sort of routine. Days I don’t have class, which is the majority of my week… I sleep in (blaming culture shock), make breakfast, sit at computer, get dressed, eat a snack, maybe take a walk around to city, eat gelato, people watch till dusk then its back to make dinner, more computer and skype and by this time its already 10pm! Like I said… Where did the day go!?!  Im happy to say that each week I look forward to Tuesday nights now because I have found a place to go and worship in English! I stumbled upon this little Methodist church one night and noticed they did a service in English on Tuesdays and ive only gone twice but I love it already. It is just a small group of 4-6 each week and this past week after worship Mark Shultz and his wife walked in the front door looking for a place to worship during their stay in Florence. Silly me I didn’t even recognize him when I introduced myself but when I got back that night I realized that I have like 5-6 of his songs in my “favorites” playlist on iTunes! This Sunday he is going to sing a few songs with another girl from Nashville so I plan to attend the service despite the fact the message will be in Italian I am going to bet at least a few songs will be in English! When I met him he mentioned that he was a Christian Music Artist from Nashville and after I rambled on about my claims to fame I said, “ Oh that’s wonderful, you should definitely join us for a jam session sometime! “. I am pretty sure he was ok with that idea if I remember correctly! Little did I know what that would really mean!! Aahh
So today I am spending some time inside to catch up on writing blogs but I plan to sit by the Duomo this evening and people watch while I attempt to do a little homework. Tomorrow is going to be exciting! I signed up to go hike through the Florentine hills with my school! It’s free, its exercise, its new and exciting and I will be sure to bring my camera! ;-) That’s all for now!


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