Sep 1, 2010

Feels like a Dream...

I can not believe it, but I am writing you from the most beautiful little apartment in the most spectacular city! My journey started smoothly and getting through my first security check point at O'Hair airport was surprisingly a breeze.  Walking away from the busy bustle of the security check point I felt a mixture of feelings; nerves, excitement, a little paranoia, and most importantly I felt free! In my excitement I headed down the wrong hallway, away from my boarding gate but I was only off course for 2 minuets before realizing I hadn't bothered to read which direction my gate was! Boarding the plane my roommate (Jessica) and I realize that while the plane looked high class, there was hardly enough room for our legs in front of our seat, let alone a carry-on, purse or even pillow. We quickly got over the cramped leg room situation when we noticed the free, I repeat FREE smorgasbord of movies, TV shows, games and more on the personal TV screen in front of us.  Jess and I watched the newest shrek movie and I fell asleep and hour into the flight. Next thing I know I wake up to the smell of dinner which was your choice of ravioli with macaroni or chicken, mash potatoes and veggies and don't forget the yummy brownie for dessert! Oh and did I mention that we got REAL silver wear?! 

After dinner i took a good 6 hour nap and woke to breakfast! We had warm croissants, yogurt, and Oj. After breakfast it was back to sleep for another hour and I was bummed that I missed the warm towels but woke up with only about an hour of flying left! Swiss chocolates where passed around before landing at the Zurich airport. We flashed our passports to a man behind the counter, he stamped our visas and we proceed to the gate to wait.  We were up again for a short 50 minuet flight to Florence, Italy! We landed and exited down the stairs onto the tarmac and into a transport bus where we picked up our luggage and loaded up a LITTLE cabi! With 16 Euros already spent we arrived at Lorenzo de Medici to pick up our apartment keys. At this point we were feeling pretty descent but weren't going to push our luck so we hopped in another cab and found our apartment in Via del Servi.  Our apartment mates arrived just when we did and we all took turns lugging up one massive suitcase at a time up the 3 fights of stairs. I was the last one up and I could hear squeals and screams of excitement echoing down the stone stairs. "It's SOOO adorable Jess" they yelled down to me! Not only was the apartment spectacular but some AMAZINGLY sweet women in the apartment below us insisted on carrying my big bag up to my apartment with me! I was shocked ! How nice of her to  do that for me! This apartment is like BRAND NEW and is just amazingly cute! I told Jessica to pinch me i was in shock! I can not believe I am really here, halfway around the world. This place, this apartment,  it all FEELS LIKE A DREAM!

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