Sep 4, 2010

I may not speak italian but I CAN read english!

My little picell phone chirped at 7:30 this morning to wake me up for orientation. 10 minuets later I rolled out of bed, swung open the shutters and sang a good morning to the street below! I then got ready for a long day of lectures and pulled out the only thing in the cabinet that I could easily recognize for breakfast. Cheerios! The walk to The Oriento Theater wasn't bad, we arrived 5 minuets early.

As some of you might know, here in Italia things are done a little differently then back in the states. People here aren't in as much of hurry and it's often hard to even FIND the line to wait in at a restaurant. Today I learned from experience that when an Italian university says arrive at 8:45am and BE PROMPT! They really mean... "Don't bother coming till 9:30 or so because were going to make all the Americans sit and wait for over an hour before we even begin to bore them silly for the next 5 HOURS talking!!! BBAAAHAHH!?!?! When they finally began orientation, they lectured for a few hours, then we got our hour lunch break and then we met with our advisor for another few hours after that… Were just going to classify this as culture shock, ok people! The orientation was for the most part interesting however I did learn some disappointing news. I learned that it is illegal to have overnight guests in your apartment in Italy! On the other hand the most exciting thing we learned was that there are MANY field trip opportunity coming up in the next few weeks and some are even included in tuition costs already! The funniest part of the whole day was the fact that everything they were lecturing about was written in plain English and printed out in front of us to take home and read. Don’t they know we can read English?! When we finally left the orientation the jet lag hit me, but after an hour of researching trips were going to take I began to regain a little energy. I am so excited for my free Italian meal tonight at the clubhouse, complements of Lorenzo de Medici! I must go get ready to EAT!!


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