Sep 3, 2010

Bon appétit

Our first night in Florence was good however the buzz of the streets below the apartment at all hours of the night will be hard to adjust to, but the view is way worth the noise! Our morning started at 11:30 with fresh oranges from a little shop down the street. We strolled the streets of Florence trying our hardest to avoid the cute stores we saw along the way. (Italy is a shopaholics heaven!) After a leisurely 15-20 minuet walk we made it to the theater at Pizza Strozzi, where we will have orientation in the morning. Our next stop from there was Via Faenza, which is where three out of my four classes will be held. The streets of Italy are quite busy and much, much more narrow then we are used to! Sidewalks here are big enough for two people side-by-side maximum. The street is just wide enough for a few café tables, one car/mini cooper and about 50 or so mopeds parked alongside! It is the coolest thing to see so man mopeds in one area! The plazas however are beautiful, spacious and well traveled!

After checking out the school building we stumbled upon a quaint little super market and decided to stock up on food for the next 2 or 3 days. 20 Euros later, and each arm 4 pounds heavier we made our way back to Via del Servi (the street where our apartment is located.) After fighting with the Internet connection and doing a good hours worth or research online about train tickets and ferries to Greece, we made a wonderful Italian pasta dinner in our cute little kitchen and we loved every bit of it!!
Bon appétit


  1. Hi Jess!! Your trip sounds amazing so far and I love the pictures! I hope you continue to have a great semester. Have fun! :)

  2. Sounds like an amazing time! Enjoy every minute....make good memories! (ever heard that before?) Love you. Thanks so much for sharing your trip!!
