Sep 20, 2010

Pasta, Pasta, Bread and more Pasta!

Angel Hair Pasta
One bag of this stuff lasted me a week!

My diet the past few weeks has consisted of il pane (bread), buttered pasta and parmesan, popcorn, bananas, an orange here and there, American cereal, Pringles, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate covered bread, chocolate muffins and anything else I see that slightly resembles chocolate. Along with the usually stuff, I have been eating a ton of peanut butter toast, peanut butter and Ritz, peanut butter on celery and so on and so forth. I think you get the point, I eat a lot of peanut butter and chocolate, but I have recently expanded my palate to include Nutella! My new favorite snack is Nutella spread on banana slices! IT’S DELICIOSO!
Tonight I made myself a baked potato in the tabletop oven contraption!  I followed the cooking instructions on line and even cooked it an extra 15 minuets on each side and it still came out uncooked through the center, but in the potatoes defense it was quite large! It was a good change from pasta even though it wasn’t completely cooked. I mixed in a little fresh cheddar cheese and butter with the potato and for desert I had a few slices of this chocolate bread roll that I got at the Conrad’s grocery. Eating out in Italy, just as in the US, is not budget friendly so I try to eat in as much as possible! but when I do eat out I spend anywhere from 5-12 euro. This could be just for spaghetti or it could include the bread and water and the cover charge. Eating out is about the price of a grocery bill that could lasts 2-3 days! Really if you think about, it its not much different from at home in the US. I just never noticed it as much at home between my meal plan and having food at home. Food here is exactly what I like to eat at home minus the fattening fried foods but I can do without all that no problem! I cannot wait for cooking class Wednesday! Last week we made FRESH homemade pasta with a walnut paste, and crepe suzette! I'm so excited to make and EAT something fresh and different!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your experience! Make great memories! love you Bella!
