Sep 4, 2010

chocolate triangle of goodness

So the plan tonight was to go eat at a place called the clubhouse, which is where LDM was providing free dinner for all the new students! Needless to say none of our friends answered their cell phones and we didn’t have an address to the place where we were supposed to meet, so we never found our way to the clubhouse. Two hungry and slightly frustrated girls decided to indulge in a sugary treat for dinner! J Berg had a delicious canoli and I had a chocolaty triangle of goodness! It was some sort of powered pastry with a pudding like substance in the middle. It was a scrumptious end of day treat! 
After polishing off our dinner/desserts we wandered across the Plazza del Duomo to the Baptistery of San Giovanni. I was hesitant to fork over another 4 Euros to go inside, but the minute I stepped in and looked up It took my breath away! “ This was SO worth 4 Euros to see jess”. I whispered when we stepped in farther. The Baptistery is the oldest building in the square and for centuries believed to have been a pagan temple converted to Christian use. The inside of the dome illustrates Biblical stories, which the believer is invited to ponder so he may live his faith to the fullest. 

Overhead is a 13th-century mosaic of the dome; the giant figure of Christ and under Christ’s feet the dead rising from their graves. This place was truly a breathtaking and reverent sight. After 10-20 minuets of gawking over the beautiful gold mosaic dome we left satisfied with how the night had turned out. 

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