Dec 17, 2010


My last full day In Florence, I woke up early to meet two friends at the Ferragamo “Shoe” Museum. Such beautiful shoes and really neat museum set up! After that visit, I went back to the apartment to do a bit more packing and then I went out to get a few last minute gifts and return some European appliances that I had bought earlier in the semester.  One important thing to note is that Italians apparently do NOT know what a  “return policy!” is. I had gotten a straightner in September only because I was told i could come back in December and have it bought back. When I went in on Friday I was told by two different stores that they had bought to many back the night before so the owner wouldn’t allow them to take give any more refunds! IT DOESN’T WORK LIKE THAT PEOPLE! haha get with it Italians, how rude! So at this point in the day it’s of course was STILL snowing and I decided to walk over across town to the “mailboxes exc" to ship some of my olive oil.  After a long snowy walk I got there and of course it was closed till 330, how could I forget Italians take a LONG lunch break. However, I made the best of it, put my stress aside and went across the street to eat a HUGE Italian lunch! It was great and sat and watch everyone outside play in the snow and laughed as they tried to push their mopeds home in the snow! After lunch I went into the mail place and discovered that not only was the mail service NOT running but apparently the airport would be closed all night. So I went back to finish packing and check on my flight.

With t-minus 14 hours till I am scheduled to land in Chicago. The only major issue is the weather in Florence! Believe it or not, today Florence had one of the biggest snowstorms they have had in a very very long time! It was BEAUTIFUL but really unnerving considering were scheduled to fly out of Florence Airport in the morning.

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