Oct 17, 2010


I had been looking forward to this event ever since I signed up for it with my roommate back in September! I was on a strict no chocolate diet for two weeks leading up to Europe's BIGGEST chocolate festival ever! The Euro Chocolate festival in Perugia, Italy was epic! A huge group of us met FlorenceForFun at the trains station Saturday morning and we boarded a FULL train to Perugia at 8am. I sat with four wonderful gals Hannah, Katie, and Jackie. We got our Choco map and free Chocolate bath gel sample on the way there! When we arrived we took a bus from the train station and then took about 4 escalator to the festival from the bus stop (much more convenient then in cortona, that's for sure!) They were handing out free baby size cans of coke zero along the way which was pretty cool! When we arrived at the main festival we were overjoyed!! CHOCOLATE EVERYWHERE!!!  We weaved our way through the crowd to our first "free choc giveaway" spot and picked up a HUGE bar of free chocolate! "This is going to be a great day!" we all said to each other. Booth after booth, with mounds of tempting chocolaty goodness as far as the eye could see!! The crowds in Perugia were absolutely RIDICULOUS. There were sooooo many people there that everyone just pushed and shoved their up to the booths. We tried to follow our choco map to the next place listed on our Choco discount cards and we eventually picked up all our free goodies except two. One of which we couldn't get to because one required taking a bus out of the city to get and the other was the free hot chocolate! The minuet we got our choc discount cards and saw that we got free hot chocolate we agreed to find that booth first! For whatever reason we couldn't find the hot chocolate booth and finally our last stop before heading back to the bus was a free hot plastic cup of what i like to call liquid gelato! I was very good! I saw a ton of yummy treats I wanted to buy for myself and for people at home but I resisted the temptation and only got a few things with my choc discount card. I even got my mom some chocolate covered goodies but those didn't make it farther then the train ride home! :-/  hehe  oops I was feeling really under the weather the entire day but I still had a great time with my friends and I enjoyed the delicious chocolate! The train ride back was even more full then the ride there so my friends and I sat in between two cars on the floor and just laughed at the situation. It was a wet and cold walk back to our apartments and when i got back i went into a chocolate coma and didnt wake up till about 11:30 am this morning. Now that I have almost polished off the majority of the chocolate I bought at the festival I have to go study for finals! I really want to go back to eurochocolate and get more chocolate... :-/

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